Which had been initially during my lives We spotted like

Which had been initially during my lives We spotted like

Immediately upon closing my eyes escort girls in Springfield, I had an encounter with God the Deliverer. As soon as my eyes were shut, I saw Jesus staring me right into my closed eyes, and as instantaneously as I saw Him, I heard His voice saying as loudly and clearly as ever in my spirit, “Oh my child, how could I not forgive you.” Then, as quickly as that, the encounter was over, and the guilt and pain vanished immediately.

I stared into the eyes of Jesus as He stared into my closed eyes. Love can be seen. The Word of God says that God is love. It was as though I was staring into two deep oceans made of pure, pure love. I saw the eyes of Jesus, and they were made of pure, pure, love.

That experience happened towards the end of 2008; this is now approaching the end of , and in over four years, due mainly to other painful emotional circumstances in my life, I have masturbated no more than four times, being still without a husband and having fallen into sexual sin once in eight years. I still feel guilty and repent whenever ever it happens, but it does not eat my guts out with pain. I do not take any comfort in this; I want to stop completely, but God knows where I am. But this one thing I know – -God knows our hearts, and He knows this walk with Him is not a piece of cake; it’s a fight, it’s downright war, we are heading to perfection, and He has promised that He will always cause us to triumph in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore continue to fight the good fight of faith steadfast and un-moveable despite the falls and bruises. Remember, this is an ongoing war, but as long as the Spirit of God within us urges us on, let’s get up again and again and continue the fight until, at last, the final victory will be ours. Just be a man or a woman after God’s own heart, craving what He craves for us, fighting for what He craves for us, and we will never be less than victorious, because He has promised us victory if we continue to strive and contend for the faith. (more…)

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